How Do I Check My Router Settings For Mac
Settings - View your router's settings, from the password and the current connection strength to the type of security your connection uses. SSID - Your network's name. This is the name that you and others see when connecting to the Wi-Fi.
Your Mac can use Wireless Diagnostics to perform additional analysis. • Quit any apps that are open, and, if possible. • Hold down the Option key and choose Open Wireless Diagnostics from the Wi-Fi status menu. • Enter your administrator name and password when prompted. Wireless Diagnostics begins analyzing your wireless environment: If the issue is intermittent, you can choose to: When you're ready to see recommendations, continue to the summary. Wireless Diagnostics asks for optional information about your base station or other router, so that it can include that in the.
Click the info button next to each item in the summary to see details about that item. Wi-Fi best practices are tips that apply to most Wi-Fi networks. Back up or make note of your network or router settings before changing them based on these recommendations—in case you need to use those settings again. Your Mac can monitor your Wi-Fi connection for intermittent issues, such as dropped connections.
Follow the steps to, but choose ”Monitor my Wi-Fi connection” when prompted. During monitoring, a window shows that monitoring is in progress. Monitoring continues as long as this window is open and you're on the same Wi-Fi network, even when your Mac is asleep. If Wireless Diagnostics finds an issue, it stops monitoring and shows a brief description of the issue. You can then resume monitoring or continue to the summary for details and recommendations. Wireless Diagnostics automatically saves a diagnostics report before it displays its summary. You can create the same report at any time by holding down the Option key and choosing Create Diagnostics Report from the Wi-Fi status menu.
It can take your Mac several minutes to create the report. • macOS Sierra saves the report to the /var/tmp folder of your startup drive, then opens that folder for you.
How Do I Check My Router History
To open the folder manually, choose Go > Go to Folder from the Finder menu bar, then enter /var/tmp. Obe assistant 1.2 download for mac. • OS X El Capitan or earlier saves the report to your desktop. The report is a compressed file with a name that begins “WirelessDiagnostics.” It contains many files that describe your wireless environment in detail.