Stop Duck Hooking Driver For Mac
For the last couple weeks the only shot with my driver has been a low pull-hook. Even though the hook really isnt that bad (more like a power draw).
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A snap hook is a mishit that can plague any golfer, tour player or weekend duffer alike. A radically closed clubface -- one that points to the left of a right hander’s target -- causes the ball to spin low and left, running hard toward trouble. Watch this video on How to Fix a Duck Hook with the Driver. Here’s The Next Step: If you’d like something as a reminder when you go to driving range or golf course to help stop hitting a duck hook, then download the bonus below.
Sometimes the ball will just start out with a pull but no hook and sometimes it does hook. At the beginning i thought the reason for it was my wrists just being too active but i have really worked on slowing them down and still nothing. Im thinking it could by my hips maybe not going through enough but to me it seems like they are. What else could be going wrong with a low pull-hook? Originally Posted by boogielicious I was having the same problem. I am working with Erik and Golf Evolution (Dave/James) through Evolr. Erik has me working on getting my hips more forward at impact.
I did the weight forward drill Erik has posted on several other threads. He also had me flare my left foot more which was restricting my hip slide and focus on the feeling of my left knee going forward and down. Results were good for the first round after the drills. My drives were much higher and I had no pull hooks. Great news b! Welcome to my world (i.e.
The last 3 years of my golfing career). Although recently I was able to correct it, and turn it into a block the lands in the next zip code. Getting ready to just leave the driver at home when I play, when it's said and done the net distance with my 3 wood is probably longer anyway. BTW - if you're curious how I turned the hook into a block, it was from concentrating on getting my weight to my front foot.done through sliding my hips a little more forward during the downswing. Just can't seem to find that happy medium though.
Good luck and post back here if you find something that works for you. I live in this world also.whenever this creeps into my drives it is because my hands have moved quicker then my hips. Basically fatigue related where my lower body stops moving. Here is a couple of items that work for me. Slow down the backswing but make sure you bring it back as far as comfortable. THis allows the hips to open ahead of the club.
If you cant get #1 you can set up with your forward foot open and 2-3inches behind the target line. This will give your hips a head start.
Make sure you have the ball even with the front heel One other item to look at is the position of your hands at the top.sometimes I drop them too much which will cause a hook because the club face will close past center. I've experimented with moving the ball back in the stance to compensate but this is inconsistent but sometime produces a long bomb draw. Sometimes during a round, I'll start doing this too. Here's what I do to help: I've found that when I do this, it's when I'm trying to hit a draw and my stance has drifted from slightly aligned to the right (I'm a righty) to dead straight. So the first thing I do is to be very conscious of my alignment at setup and make sure I'm slightly aligned to the right of my target. Secondly, I envision a line slightly right of my target, and that's the line I try to take with my club (from downswing to follow through).
Lastly I try to be more conscious of the club face at impact and try not to turn my wrists over so much.this is probably what contributes to my duck hooks the over closed face. Also, when I starting doing this I slow down my back swing and only go about 3/4 on the back swing. I lose distance, but at least it's in the fairway. My hardest holes are dog legs to the right because my best drives are draws. I haven't mastered the fade yet; I basically have to lay up with an iron. I think they use a more metallic one, and they're a little bit heavier.
I still think there's an advantage, but it's probably narrowed down quite a bit to where it's not much of an advantage on the shorter shots where the ball won't be going very fast. Did you know that a flagstick could be 4. Excel count if cell contains text. 25' in diameter, and that's perfectly legitimate in the Rules of Golf? The rules regarding the flagstick are actually pretty thin they have to be circular in cross-section, not tapered for a certain distance (i.e. To stop you from making a flagstick that actually deflected balls down into the hole), and not made of 'dampening' material but no material is truly elastic, so they're all dampening to some degree, it just means not made out of or covered in foam or something). Considering he's standing on the rope (that drives me insane) I'll say it's intentional, but I've seen similar stuff happen before. In a well used range bay at tournaments I once hit the rope while warming up (the front rope though, not the back one). It was the first full wedge I hit and the ground was softer than I expected, meaning the club just kind of slid through it and ended up just barely under the front rope.